Meet the Team !
Find out how TheLuckyMagpieSalvage became what it is today ...

About Suzie...

Whilst Suzie has always had a creative side, her passion for antiques began with her grandparents whose home was filled with finds.
Suzie grew up within a military family and experienced life living in different countries, this allowed her to experience different cultures. Spending quite a lot of time in Europe growing up she went to antique markets.
Having a flare for travelling the world Suzie spent her early twenties backpacking through places like Thailand, Australia and also living in New Zealand.
Suzie went on to work within the art world and with the creative knowledge she gathered she worked with a number of big companies in creative sectors.
Over the years of working for a world renowned company within their creative department, Suzie was slowly gathering her knowledge and experience within the antique world.
Suzie got to a point in her career creatively where she wanted to turn her love for antiques into a beautiful collection she could share with the world.

About Wayne...

From a young age Wayne was always passionate about older items and would seek out "anything with a bit of history."
Every weekend he would either be visiting carboots or different castles around the country which is still seen in his personal work today.
At 14, Wayne started work as a landscaper, where he would be "digging up gardens and started to find different pieces'. Wayne then went onto learn how to build and install. This would be done with materials like stone and reclaimed salvage, he quickly noticed he had a skill in the area and followed his passion.
This lead Wayne to start his own business, installing and designing outdoor spaces.
By doing so, this bought more of an antique feel to the projects with Wayne's oversight and guidance.
Through his passion and skill, he was able to influence how antiques and salvage is seen today.



How the Lucky Magpie Salvage got it's name...
Meet Jimbob...
Whilst Suzie was volunteering at the local animal rescue centre she said -
"An injured magpie was taken in and I used to check on him regularly. He was incredibly clever and used to follow me around everywhere. Jimbob was such a rebellious magpie, he was sent off to another rescue but I always remembered him"